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When I took on the role of treasurer on the Board of Management of our local school, it quickly became clear that we needed to find a way to manage our school accounts efficiently and effectively. schoolfinance.ie was born out of that need.

At that time our accounts were managed manually. Between day to day transactions and the task of organising our accounts for the yearly audit, valuable time and resources were stretched. Coming from and an I.T background, I knew there had to be an easier way.
The first step was to develop an Excel based system. This system proved to be invaluable in managing the finances of the school and soon we made it available so that all schools could use it.

It became clear however, that an even simpler system would save more time. Using the Excel system as a base structure and incorporating it into a web based database, schoolfinance.ie has surpassed even my own expectations.

Using schoolfinance.ie saves time and money. Our accountancy bill decreased dramatically and both principal and secretary have more time to spend on the real business of running a school. With all the information we need just a click away, schoolfinance.ie has proven to be the ideal system for managing school accounts.

I am committed to providing you with the highest standard of service. The website itself will be updated and improved regularly and I will endeavour to make your transition to schoolfinance.ie as easy as possible.