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Insert Email and Password to Login



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Welcome to ClubAccounts.ie

Clubaccounts.ie has been created to help clubs manage their accounts. In clubaccounts.ie you can keep track of all your payments and income . The system can produce reports and you can also search for any details stored on the system . Your accounts will never be in better shape after using clubaccounts.ie

Click here to find out more

Try it yourself

We have set up a test account so that you can get into the system and try it out for yourself. Just login using the following test email address and password

Email : test@test.ie
Password : test

You can then proceed to enter test data to see how the system works. Remember this is just a test system so only enter ficticious information. Note that other users can also add information in here so the data you see will not only be yours. Anything that you enter will be reset each night.

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